Saturday, October 10, 2009


So yesterday I was filing stuff in the Student Council office, when I got a phone call from the Dean's assistant asking me if I wanted to go see Hair that night. I of course jumped at the chance (Broadway is expensive, don't say no if you get offered a free ticket...) even though I know like nothing about the show, other than that they're hippies. Anyways, the show was AMAZING - so much fun and dancing and music (aquarius and let the sun shine in are their well-known songs) and incredible voices. They kept running into the crowd to rub your hair or throw their pants at you or give you daisies. And at the end they invite everyone to come onstage and dance with them and the Dean was front and center, dancing her head off and singing. It was quite an unexpected night of fun.

I've embedded a video of them doing my favorite song at the Tony Awards:

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