Saturday, February 14, 2009

All University Games!

Thursday night was All University Games, which is the one night a year (in my opinion) when NYU shows any sort of athletic competitiveness.  Each school within NYU puts together a team to compete in all different kinds of events (foosball, sumo wrestling, tug of war, volleyball, basketball, rock paper scissors, limbo, dodgeball...) and they come up with a theme, along with a banner and T-shirts to match.  It's mostly a student council event, but your goal is to get as many participants and supporters as you can.

The CAS theme was Looney Toons, with the slogan - A.C.M.E.: A College that Makes Everything, which speaks to the idea that our school has about a bazillion majors.  Our mascot (which has to be the student council president) was Willy Coyote chasing the Roadrunner.  We notoriously never win, and this year was no different, though we did place third in dodgeball after some intense games.  I did sumo wrestling, which I also participated in last year (and came in 2nd!) though this year I got knocked out in the first round.  I'm chalking it up to the fact that I was starving and therefore, had no energy.  I would put pictures up but they're on other people's cameras.

The night was really fun until we went to leave and found that 3 people had gotten some of their stuff stolen.  So that really put a damper on an otherwise great evening. 

After nights like this, I wish that NYU had just a little bit more school spirit...

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