View from the park next to Westminster Abbey.
View of Westminster Abbey from the park (isn't it so amazing outside?? I couldn't have asked for nicer weather during my trip!)
Big Ben. Did you know that Big Ben is actually the name of the bell and not the entire tower? But since the bell is hidden and you can't see it, most people just refer to the whole thing as Big Ben.
Westminster Abbey which has like 1000+ rooms in it. That's so many!
View of the Thames from the bridge.
London Eye, which called the London Eyesore when it was first built, but has now become a really important part of the London landscape, especially since they don't have too many tall buildings.
Then I walked back towards Anna's school but took a break to sit on a bench, read a little, and listen to the Beatles on my iphone. Anna met me when her class was out and we decided to walk to the Victoria and Albert Museum.
We walked past Buckingham Palace on our way there.
For dinner that night, Anna found a great fish and chips place (my one food request) for me to eat while she went to swim practice. It was delicious! Then we tried to go to Anna's friend's birthday party, but there was a huge miscommunication with their reservation and the lounge wasn't letting any of her guests in so that was kind of a birthday party fail. Instead we went back home and finished the Sound of Music!
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