Monday, February 9, 2009


So I'm back to working at the ice cream store, a job that pretty much took over my life this past summer. Mondays are the slowest night and this one isn't proving to be any different. So pretty much, I'm getting paid to do my homework tonight.

I'm reading about this really awesome type of prison, called the panopticon, for my english seminar. I've learned about it before for another English class and I would love to describe it to you, but I don't have the patience to type that all out on my phone.

What I really want to share with you is how printers used to use a character that closely resembles an "f" for the letter S, which makes for some really great sentences such as this one:

"To cut the matter as fhort as poffible, I will confider it at once in it's application to fuch purpofes as, being moft complicated, will ferve to exemplify the greateft force and variety of precautionary contrivance."

I giggle every time I read old stuff like this.

1 comment:

Kacey said...
