Sunday, May 31, 2009

Freaks and Geeks

So Emily owns a rare copy of the first -- and only -- season of "Freaks and Geeks" which has made it's way round to pretty much everyone she knows.  I finally got my turn borrow it and it was pretty magnificent.  

"Freaks and Geeks" is a short-lived TV show made in 1999 by Judd Apatow (think Anchorman, 40-Year-Old Virgin, Knocked Up, Superbad, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Pineapple Express, etc...) that revolves around the lives of high school teens in Michigan in 1980.  The main characters are Sam - who hangs out with geeks, and his older sister, Lindsay, who has recently deviated off of her track as a perfect student and is now hanging out with the freaks.  The show is chock full of really great actors who have gone on to become pretty famous, especially James Franco, Jason Segel, and Seth Rogen (all of whom have remained pretty faithful to Judd Apatow) and the episodes themselves are great because they cover all of the terrible high school awkwardness but in a way that makes it enjoy and uncomfortable and funny to watch, all at the same time.  Brilliant.

It's one of those shows that developed a cult following AND was critically acclaimed.  Why it was cancelled may forever remain a mystery.

Anyways, good luck getting your hands on the DVD of season 1, it's pretty hard to come by.  Your best bet is to borrow Emily's copy, but I'm not giving it back until I get a cannoli from Arthur Ave...

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