Thursday, May 14, 2009

Relay for Life

Relay for Life, a charity event that raises money for cancer research was held in our gym this past April.  I was team captain for Student Council along with Mary and we came up with an awesome theme: Western.  We ended up raising over $2,500, which is more than Student Council has ever raised before, so thank you so much to all of you who donated!  The entire event itself raised over $140,000, which is ridiculously awesome.   

Walking our banner around the track

You're trying to fundraise while you're there too, so one of our ideas (stolen from a friend, I will admit) was Jail.  $1 to put someone in jail and $1 to get out.  Unfortunately, we realized a little too late that we didn't actually have any brawny people to jail people or to keep them there...

Birds-eye view of the event. 

Our table with some student council people.

Our beautiful banner that I convinced Aleja to paint, even though she's not in Student Council.  Our slogan was "Cancer: I don't wanna see you around these parts no more!"

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