Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Yoga to the People

You might be noticing a trend: I'm trying to take advantage of the free things that the city has to offer (don't worry, posts on all of the free outdoor movies that they offer in the summer to come).  My latest venture was to my first official yoga class at a studio on St. Marks called Yoga to the People.  It's free (well, actually, donation based) and they have a couple of locations in New York, as well as in California.  Anyways, it was so hard and I don't actually think that I've ever sweated that much in my life.  My eyes hurt because they were so salty at the end of it and my arms hurt from reaching for the ceiling so many times.  Despite the excruciating pain that I endured, it was really cool because it was a mixed class: mixed ages, mixed yoga levels, mixed athletic abilities - yoga for everyone.  So that was really nice, because it didn't matter if I wasn't doing the poses correctly or if I need to take a little break and just sit on my mat for a little.  

And while I don't foresee myself becoming a yoga fanatic like some people, I do hope to go again, get a little better.  We'll see what happens. 

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